Kevin Pudlo

Having a website provides new levels of service for your business regardless of what your industry is. A website helps to increase the visibility, professionalism, and authenticity of your business. It can be a place to share your latest tips and tricks, offer a way for potential or existing customers to contact you, or even allow you to sell your products to a whole new customer-base.

My goal, is to help you build the website your business needs while you continue to focus on making your business amazing. When we work together, I’ll meet with you to discuss and find out more about your business and where you’d like to go in the future. Next, I’ll work within the plan you have selected to accomplish the goals we create during our meetings.

All plans come with The Essentials, core features and services that are needed with every website design:

The Essentials

All packages include the following essentials

  • One on One Consultation
  • Custom Domain
  • Responsive Website
  • Official Email Address
  • Visitor Tracking & Reports
  • Search Engine Optimization

Outside of The Essentials, I’d like to think of how your website is built as an experience, where you truly get to decide what’s on your website. Several questions will help you figure out what works best for your website. These questions are meant to help me understand what you’re looking for, how to meet your solutions, and a general understanding of how long it will take to produce your website. 

© 1986-2025 Kevin Pudlo